Noventia Statement for the Lafora Community

Noventia Pharma released a statement for the Lafora community that Dr. Gentry read at the 2024 Lafora Disease Science Symposium. Please read it below:

Dear Lafora Community,

A few weeks ago we finalized an agreement for the rights to ION283, Ionis’ investigational medicine for the treatment of Lafora disease. 

Since its founding, Noventia Pharma, a privately owned European specialty pharmaceutical company, has been committed to advancing research to bring hope to people living with rare diseases, particularly those affecting the CNS.

Noventia will now assume full responsibility for the development of ION283 and we are excited to apply our know-how, expertise, and passion to this project.

Over the coming weeks, Ionis will transfer all materials and data related to ION283 to Noventia. Noventia, together with other stakeholders, will then determine the feasibility of clinical development and the next steps for the program.

Our current objective is to start clinical trials as soon as possible and generate data to evaluate ION283 for potential registration in Europe and the US.

 For this reason, Noventia is setting up an International Advisory Board to guide and support our efforts. We aim to work in partnership with the European Medicines Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and Patient Associations where possible to speed up all these processes. We expect the recently initiated clinical trial at UT Southwestern to continue during this time.

We are grateful for the support, collaboration, and perseverance of the Lafora community. We look forward to working with you to expedite this transition and facilitate the continuation of development activities for ION283.



Massimo Radaelli

President & CEO

Noventia Pharma


The background is bright yellow. On the left is a child with blue face paint. To the right is another child, who has red, white, and black face paint on, Between the children, the text reads, 'FACE it To make childhood dementia impossible to ignore'.

Chelsea’s Hope Joins FACE It 2024

Wednesday, September 18th, is Childhood Dementia Day, and we’ve joined the FACE It awareness push to make childhood dementia impossible to ignore. 2024 is the second year Chelsea’s Hope is participating in the movement. We invite you to join us!

The Childhood Dementia Initiative (CDI) started the FACE It campaign to raise awareness of childhood dementia, which so many people don’t know exists.

What is childhood dementia?

We see what dementia does to our loved ones with Lafora disease. Most people associate the life-altering symptoms of dementia with older people, but according to our friends at CDI, more than 100 genetic conditions cause dementia in childhood. The prognosis for children with childhood dementia is dire: 50% die before the age of 10, and 70% before reaching adulthood. All will die prematurely. View a childhood dementia fact sheet HERE.

The background is bright yellow. On the left is a child with blue face paint. To the right is another child, who has red, white, and black face paint on, Between the children, the text reads, 'FACE it To make childhood dementia impossible to ignore'.

On September 18th, we invite you to make your face impossible to ignore! Join the fun with face paint, makeup, or a filter before posting to social media. Together, we’ll draw attention to childhood dementia and fight Lafora disease.

Be sure to send Chelsea’s Hope your photos or tag us if you want us to feature you on our social media. Use the hashtags #ChildhoodDementia and #FACEit to join. You can also check out CDI’s FACE it kit with tips and resources to raise awareness.

So, will you join the movement?

IONIS Statement for the Lafora Community September 4, 2024

Ionis Statement for the Lafora Community

IONIS logoIonis shared a statement with Chelsea’s Hope for the Lafora community. They have agreed to license the ION283 program to Noventia Pharma, and Noventia will assume responsibility for developing it. 

The licensing of the ION283 program will not impact the Safety Study. That will continue as planned, and we will update our community as soon as enrollment is open on

As a reminder, please sign up for our mailing list and indicate you want to receive “research updates” to receive this news as soon as possible.

ION283 Safety Study Approval ASO Therapy for Lafora Disease

ION283 Safety Study Approved

We just learned from Dr. Minassian that the FDA has approved the ION283 Safety Study!

We are so grateful for your continuous support, for Dr. Minassian and his team at UTSW, Dr. Messahel, IONIS, and everyone involved for getting us here.

Our patient community has been a driving force in supporting reaching this stage and we can celebrate another step forward today. We hope this will lead to treatments for our children.

Berge A. Minassian, M.D

“30 years in the making, we now have FDA approval to start our ION283 clinical trial.

I would like to thank each of your associations for your support over the years…” – Dr. Berge Minassian

We do not yet have the application site on or the criteria for inclusion in the Safety Study. Those will be coming in a few weeks. In the meantime, we can continue fundraising and ensuring all patient families learn of this opportunity.


The estimated cost of the Safety Study is $1.5 million USD. Please remember, donations do not guarantee a spot for your loved one in the trial. We encourage donations through a patient organization. Chelsea’s Hope has an online fundraiser where you can donate and we will transfer the money to UTSW.

France Lafora is also fundraising HERE.

Please help us share this information! 

If you did not get an email update from us earlier, please ensure you are signed up for our mailing list. Once we learn the criteria from Dr. Minassian, we will send out the information to everyone who has signed up for “research updates.” You can contact to confirm your email preferences with the subject “Check my Chelsea’s Hope Email Preferences.”

Questions? Please check out our FAQs section on our webpage. 

We answer commonly asked questions about the safety study, including what it is, how much it costs, who can participate, and more! If you don’t see an answer to your question, please email with the subject “Safety Study Question.”