A Special Song for Angelina

Just Like A Butterfly by Niki Markou

“Just Like A Butterfly” Audio Release Date: February 10th, 2021, available on multiple digital music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music & TikTok. We ask that you stream the song and also make a donation! Help save our children.

“This journey has been extremely difficult and devastating and we do not want to lose our beautiful girl. I have written a song that is about how she bounces back from her seizures and what I wish for her ” – Mother, Niki Markou

Our Story

Grant for Lafora Households: Chelsea’s Hope Patient Assistance Deadline Extended


Dear Lafora Families,

With funding from the Global Genes’ Continuity of Care RARE Patient Impact Grant, Chelsea’s Hope is offering grants to Lafora Disease Households impacted by COVID-19.

Limited funds are available, but we hope to help as many patients as possible. The grant application deadline has now been extended a week to December 7, 2020. All applications will be reviewed with the goal of making awards by December 15, 2020. Please contact Chelsea’s Hope with any questions or for help completing the grant application form.

Chelsea’s Hope Patient Assistance Grant

The Epilepsy Foundation Releases Statement on Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has affected our daily dialogue. Chelsea’s Hope understands that to those caring for a Lafora patient, concerns are even greater. The Epilepsy Foundation has released the following brief on the coronavirus.

Concerns About Coronavirus

5th LECI workshop Paper

“The 5th International Lafora Epilepsy Workshop: Basic science elucidating therapeutic options and preparing for therapies in the clinic”

5th LECI workshop Paper