AmazonSmile Ending

AmazonSmile online shopping ending.

AmazonSmile is ending February 20, 2023.

AmazonSmile is ending on February 20, 2023.

Amazon has donated $3,832.56 to Chelsea’s Hope since we joined the AmazonSmile program in 2021.

It might not be much to many, but it’s a lot to us!!! We are grateful for every cent and disappointed that the program is ending. Here’s part of their official statement:

“To help charities that have been a part of the AmazonSmile program with this transition, we will be providing them with a one-time donation equivalent to three months of what they earned in 2022 through the program,* and they will also be able to accrue additional donations until the program officially closes in February.”
So, you have until February 20 to shop and support Chelsea’s Hope.

*Chelsea’s Hope anticipates at least a $200 one-time donation