This is a photo of the skyline of Bologna, Italy.

2023 Symposium Registration is Open Now!

This is an image of the Bologna skyline with a purple filter. On top is a button reading register now and below it is text that says 2023 Lafora Disease Science Symposium.

We are delighted to announce that the 2023 Symposium registration is open now.

Please join us October 9-10, 2023, in the beautiful and historic city of Bologna.

Lafora disease researchers and clinicians at the Instituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna IRCCS will host the 8th Annual Lafora Disease Science Symposium at the Relais BellariaYou can read more details about the city and venue on our webpage!

This conference is ideal for families affected by Lafora disease, researchers, healthcare professionals, and our industry partners. The 2022 Lafora Disease Science Symposium in San Diego was a great time of collaboration, learning, and advancement toward treatments for Lafora. We would love to meet you in Italy!

Register for the 2023 Lafora Disease Science Symposium!

Please note: Chelsea’s Hope is hosting the 2023 Symposium registration until September 15. Please register individually to attend the in-person Symposium. If you can’t make it in person, we encourage you to register and indicate your interest in receiving the recordings after the conference.

The 2023 Symposium registration will close in two months, so don’t wait!