Sheri Masoner’s Parent Diary: November 2011

November 16, 2011

Jessica Masoner We received good news today. The results came back for our two younger daughters, Candice and Carly. Candice is a carrier and Carly is a non healthy carrier. This means neither one of them has this awful, devastating disease known as Lafora. The bad news is that Jessica seems to be regressing even more. She is pretty much confined to lying in bed and watching television. She just doesn’t have the energy to get up and move around. I keep hoping that her medication will allow her to get up and walk and be able to eat without such a struggle and that her shaking will diminish. We are only in our first year of this horrible disease yet it seems like time is moving so quickly because of the rapid progression of the disease in Jessica. She is losing more and more of herself and all I can do is continue to pray that the researchers will find a cure soon.
